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Refractory insulation bricks are refractory raw materials fired from refractory raw materials. 可用作建筑窑炉和各种热加工设备的高温建筑材料和结构材料, 并能承受高温下的各种物理化学变化和机械作用.

使用耐火砖时, 它们通常被切成不同大小的砖块. 在切割方面, 有必要选择合适的切割方法. Some manufacturers use a band saw to cut, and some use a diamond band saw. The latest technology is multi-wire cut.

The wire is a diamond wire loop saw, and the bricks cut by the wire have small slits and do not need secondary grinding. Multi-wire cutting can not only cut refractory bricks, but also materials similar to refractory bricks, such as Foam brick/Insulation brick/Mullite insulation brick/Refractory/Insulation material.

Please see the picture below for multi-wire cut refractory bricks.

Refractory insulation bricks

Refractory insulation bricks Refractory insulation bricks

检查 这里 进一步了解环形切割线.