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Огляд ультратонкого скла

Огляд ультратонкого скла

Ultrathin glass is also called ultra-thin electronic touch glass, товщиною від 0.1-1.1 мм. Рідкокристалічні дисплеї зазвичай використовуються в індустрії електронної інформації 0.55-1.1 мм ультратонкого флоат-скла.

Ultra-thin glass not only has the basic characteristics of glass such as high transparency, electrical insulation, heat resistance, chemical stability and gas resistance, but also has unique characteristics such as light weight, стійкість до високої температури, impact resistance, flexibility, і т.д..

тому, it has broad application prospects in display panels, conductive film glass substrates, flexible substrates, smart surfaces, OLED lighting and other fields.

Glass by thickness

Ultra-thin Glass Overview – властивості

Насправді, ultra-thin glass is not only thin, it has many special properties:

Ultra thin Glass Overview – Класифікація

According to different chemical compositions, ultra thin glass can be divided into alkali-containing glass and alkali-free glass;

Відповідно до різних виробничих процесів, ultra thin glass can be divided into float method, flat draw method and down draw method;

Overview of ultra thin glass-technical indicators

У порівнянні зі звичайним склом, ultra-thin glass has unique characteristics such as light weight, стійкість до високої температури, impact resistance and flexibility.

Comparison of physical properties between ultra-thin glass and ordinary glass

Overview of Ultra Thin GlassProduction Process

The preparation methods of ultra-thin glass sheets mainly include float method, overflow down-draw method and vertical pull-up method.

Ultra Thin Glass OverviewMain Applications

Ultra-thin glass is mainly used in liquid crystal display panel substrates. After the rise of touch screens, ultra-thin glass is also used in touch screen covers and touch screen sensor substrates.

Figuratively speaking, smartphones generally contain four pieces of ultra-thin glass, в тому числі: two for the touch screen and two for the LCD panel.