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Uusi tapa leikata kissanpuhdistinta—Loputon timanttilanka

Uusi tapa leikata kissanpuhdistinta

With the improvement of people’s living standards, Yhä useammat ihmiset ovat alkaneet pitää lemmikkejä, ja lemmikkituotemarkkinat ovat myös alkaneet kukoistaa.

Kissanpuristimet ovat kissojen suosikkilelu, ja jokainen kissanomistaja ostaa muutaman.

Kissan raapimislaudan tuotantoprosessissa, puristetun pahvin leikkaaminen on tärkeä prosessi. Nykyinen leikkausmenetelmä on altis tuottamaan suuria määriä paperipölyä, saastuttaa ilmaa, and cause harm to the health of workers. Samaan aikaan, there are many burrs on the cutting surface, which requires secondary trimming, which wastes time.

After the development of endless diamond wire saw, more and more pet products companies began to use the endless diamond wire loop to cut cat scratching board, because the diamond crystal’s sharpness, the cutting surface of cardboard is very smooth, no burr, and the cutting speed is very fast, which greatly improves Product processing efficiency.

Lisäksi, because the diameter of the ring-shaped diamond wire is between 0.35-0.65 mm, the extremely small cutting kerf also greatly reduces the amount of dust, which is welcomed by the market.

here is a cutting video of how endless diamond wire cuts cardboard


The emergence of new tools often brings revolutionary reforms to traditional industries. Companies that are the first to try are generally able to seize the early dividends, create some additional value, and give their companies a first-mover advantage.

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