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Як розрізати магніти NdFeB?

Як розрізати магніти NdFeB?

Магніти NdFeB є постійними магнітами, поступаючись лише гольмієвим магнітам з абсолютним нулем, і вони також є найбільш часто використовуваними рідкоземельними магнітами. Магніти NdFeB широко використовуються в електронних виробах, наприклад жорсткі диски, мобільні телефони, навушники, and battery-powered tools. Do you know how to cut NdFeB magnets?

Several processing methods of NdFeB magnets are briefly introduced:

There are basically two types of NdFeB processing: slicer cutting and wire cutting;

Перший, let’s talk about slicer processing. The slicer is a diamond inner hole cutting blade with a thickness of about 0.3 мм, which can cut the magnet to the desired size as required. Однак, this method is only suitable for simple square magnet shapes, disc magnet shapes and cylindrical shapes.

Another method is wire cutting. Generally used for cutting NdFeB tiles, special-shaped magnets, and large products.

With the development of technology, a new type of cutting method has emerged. Загалом, the diamond wire loop is an extremely fast closed wire with sharp diamonds on the wire for cutting.

Usually it is very suitable to use a diamond wire loop with a diameter of 0.65 mm to cut NdFeB. Below is the video of our cutting NdFeB:



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