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Introduction au processus de coupe de la céramique

Introduction au processus de coupe de la céramique

In major markets, la production de céramique a toujours été en pénurie. Qu'est-ce que la céramique et quelles sont ses caractéristiques?

Ceramic materials refer to a class of inorganic non-metallic materials made of natural or synthetic compounds through shaping and high-temperature sintering. It has the advantages of high melting point, haute dureté, high wear resistance and oxidation resistance. It can be used as structural material and tool material. Because ceramic also has some special properties, it can also be used as functional material.

In terms of performance and element composition, ceramics can be divided into two categories: ordinary ceramics and special ceramics. According to different uses, the processing methods are also different, but the ceramic industry has played a vital role in various fields.

The application fields of ceramics are very wide, such as nanotechnology, bioengineering, médecine, electronic technology, technologie de communication, aviation Aerospace, military and other fields are in short supply.

The wide range of application fields is inseparable from its characteristics:

  1. Bioceramics have good biocompatibility and osteoconductivity.
  2. High resistance to high temperature strength, good oxidation resistance, radiation resistance
  3. High strength, good stiffness, corrosion resistance, bonne stabilité chimique
  4. Can withstand the friction and erosion of high temperature airflow

Due to the wide range of application fields, the ceramic industry is thriving, and the market is in short supply, so the processing method of ceramics is also particularly important. When it comes to the most suitable cutting process for ceramics, the diamond wire loop cutting technology developed as a new type of research and development must be doing my part.

The diamond wire loop cutting technology has many advantages in the cutting process of ceramics: such as high cutting efficiency, high productivity, haute précision, convenience and speed, etc..

Zhengzhou Ensoll Tools Technology Co., Ltd est engagée dans la recherche et le développement, production et vente de scies à boucle à fil diamanté. Avec des droits de propriété intellectuelle indépendants et un certain nombre de technologies brevetées, il est également inégalé dans les produits internationaux de scie à fil diamanté.

La société adhère à la philosophie d'entreprise axée sur la technologie et axée sur les services, aider les clients à résoudre de nombreux problèmes dans l'industrie de la découpe de matériaux durs et cassants tels que les pneus, silicium photovoltaïque, saphir, céramique, et marbre.

Dans le domaine de la coupe au fil diamanté, il a gagné la reconnaissance et la confiance des clients. All industries are welcome to come to consult and cooperate.